Elisa Guyton is a dynamic leader known for her creativity, strategic expertise, and dedication to serving others. With over a decade of experience in nonprofit leadership, communications, and fundraising, she has crafted and implemented impactful strategies for organizations focused on community service and sustainability.
Elisa excels in building relationships, fostering creativity, and advancing missions through storytelling, collaboration, and innovative problem-solving. Her work is rooted in a commitment to diversity, individuality, and community-centered initiatives. A seasoned professional in designing campaigns, managing events, and driving organizational growth, Elisa continues to be a catalyst for positive change wherever she serves.
Care and feeding: Elisa thrives on kindness, creativity, and a warm cup of cinnamon coffee. Approach her with compassion and collaboration, and she’ll be your biggest ally in making magic happen. Please note: gluten is a no-go! Treat her instead with gluten-free goodies and a heartfelt chat.
We're always looking for volunteers. If you would like to devote some of your time to assist families in need, please call our main number (734) 484-7658 or fill out our volunteer form today!