October 27, 2023

Let’s Welcome Our New DDC


Elisa Guyton

Elisa is more than a professional. She’s a heart-centered advocate, a catalyst for change, and a fervent believer in the boundless potential of community and creativity. With an impressive background in event planning, fundraising, and community-focused initiatives, she brings a unique blend of skills to our team.

What truly distinguishes Elisa is her heartfelt commitment to nurturing creative talent, especially among our youth. Her work with the Plant, a West Willow youth-driven makerspace, exemplifies this dedication. Here, innovation thrives, and artistic expression flourishes, touching the lives of those we serve.

Elisa’s expertise extends to branding, marketing, process optimization, and beyond. She is not just a leader but a visionary who understands the profound impact of infusing our projects with the warmth and compassion of community spirit. Moreover, Elisa brings the gentle influence of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practices to our team. This ensures that we approach our work with empathy, understanding, and a deep connection to the communities we serve.

With Elisa on board, we are poised to elevate our impact further and infuse every endeavor with the heart-centered work that defines our mission. Please reach out to Elisa directly with any questions!

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