June 11, 2021

Laptops for Leaders: Lucindra


Megan Rochlitz

By late 2020, Allies had noticed that the Leaders were struggling with juggling Zoom meetings on their phones while Allies could log in from the comfort of their computers. They decided to take action and came to Suzanne and Bonita with a crowdfunding idea that grew into Laptops for Leaders. Through this program, Circles Leaders can apply for laptops, hotspots, and other tech equipment to pursue their goals, be they professional or educational. Leaders contribute a portion of the cost to pay it forward to future cohorts.

Tanya of Cohort 3 enthusiastically applied to the program and received a laptop, printer, and microphone. The laptop and printer have helped Tanya grow her clothing resale business. She will be using the microphone for an upcoming podcast focused on the voices and experiences of people in poverty. “It will be about people in poverty, people who have gotten out of poverty, people who are in the middle of getting out of poverty. You know, real people’s stories.”

Having a laptop of her own has made a huge difference in Tanya’s ability to stay connected with people. She’s no longer limited by her phone’s limited size and capacity. During Circles meetings, she can properly see and hear all the people who have been her support structure during COVID-19. Tanya has joined various online communities, including a new church, a book club, and an online tai chi class. She’s been able to do the research and prep to make her podcast a reality.

The Laptops for Leaders program has helped Tanya pursue her dreams.

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