October 30, 2023

Annual Dinner: 40th Anniversary


Amtheyst Floyd

We were so excited to see people from Friends In Deed’s past and present celebrate this momentous anniversary with us. As attendees filtered in, they were greeted with hors d’oeuvres and drinks to enjoy while they perused the extensive Silent Auction.

Tobias Villegas and Lucinda Willowtree opened the night by cracking jokes and sharing how influential the Circles program had been in their lives. They were followed up by Danielle Milner, our current board president, as she presented the Stan Harbison award to our previous board president Bob Thompson. Bob served as president of the board for 5 years and continues to volunteer on the Over The Edge committee along with doing furniture drop-offs, event setup, and more. Malinda Waltz and Tracey Hoesch completed the program by reflecting on FID’s 40 years of service to the community.

It had been four years since we gathered inside due to keeping things Covid-safe, so being able to celebrate at Washtenaw Community College’s Morris Lawrence Building was a breath of fresh air. Their newly renovated auditorium and sound system made the space even more inviting than years past.

We are so excited to continue growing this event to be a better night out than ever before!

Interested in making a difference and event planning? Join the Annual Dinner committee next year by email Amtheyst at amtheyst@friendsindeedmi.org.

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